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Biographical Information:

Alain Laederach’s main interests lie in applying computational techniques to better understand biological processes. Most recently, Alain has been focusing on RNA structure and folding. Alain is interested in improving our ability to interpret and analyze chemical mapping data.

Alain Laederach received his undergraduate training at the “Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne” (EPFL) in Chemical Engineering. He then went to Iowa State University for graduate school where he obtained a Ph.D. In Chemical Engineering and Bioinformatics. In 2003, Alain moved to Stanford University, where he did a post-doc in Russ Altman’s lab.

During graduate school, Alain was an NSF IGERT fellow, and as a post-doc he received a Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation fellowship. Alain is now a Professor in the department of Biology at UNC Chapel-Hill.